Monday, December 10, 2007

Wrong is Wrong, But We're Only Talking About Dogs.

I may make a few enemies, in fact, I know I will. Brace yourself, former Atlanta Falcon's star Michael Vick, was given a 23 month sentence for his role in dogfighting events on his property. Two years for killing half a dozen or more dogs. Wrong is wrong, right is right, we are all God's creatures (if you believe in God), but we are talking about dogs here. Give me a break! All the manpower, family/friends turning state's evidence to bring down bad man Michael Vick because he killed some dogs. Worthy of federal prosecution, for some dogs. Discussions, debates, and blogs for some dogs? Had he killed the two "friends" that snitched, yes I said it, SNITCHED on him, he would of gotten less attention and more understanding from the public. You do know that society recognizes that retaliating against snitches is an understandable cultural phenomenon that is crippling the black community that white people can save us from. Excuse me let me step off my soap box for a second. Michael Vick did not immediately roll over like a good boy when they asked him, "did you kill those dogs?" Consequently he was punished and had a judge shake his finger at him and say, "you should apologize once again to the millions of people who look up to you." Half the aforementioned million are probably saying two years for some dogs!

Dogfighting is illegal. Yes, I know. So is marijuana use. But do you know that the IRS and the CIA will employ you if you have used marijuana in your past, as long as you have been clean for a year? That's a fact. Check any Federal Government application. So Michael Vick could have been a Tax Auditor or Special Agent had he not killed those damned dogs.

Funny how society seems to put more value on the life of animals than of people. The Humane Society fights hard for animals to have quality care. But, our social services don't fight that hard for the humane treatment of people. In Maryland, this year, 2007, a woman left five children home alone in utter filth with a dog. The officer responding to the scene said the squalor was the worst he had seen in more than two decades in law enforcement. The woman faced charges for the children carrying a maximum penalty of 30 days in jail for each charge; the charges involving the dog carried a maximum penalty of 90 days. 30 days for a human 90 days FOR A DOG? See why I said Vick should have killed the people? He may have even been able to claim so form of insanity, no insanity pleas for dogfighting though.

I am not advocating the killing of anything. But, I enjoy a steak, chicken, fish, and have eaten other living things. I understand that as a society we must adhere to the law. I just wish the law had a little bit more perspective. There are people killing people more often than dogs. Spend more time investigating other crimes and jailing people that are really going to harm me. People that may kill me. If I had to choose between letting someone kill my dog or kill the stranger standing next to me, I'll let you kill my dog. Hands down, without hesitation, all I'm saying is a dog?? Seriously, a damn dog?

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Sean Taylor...I don't understand

I have avoided touching on this topic long enough, and it's been on my mind. As I read the articles,day by day I grow more incredulous. And, it prompts me to say I don't understand.

I don't understand how people can't take the time to think ahead. Over the past weeks, when I turn on the news I see people that are involved in life altering situations. And, I wonder if they had any clue that when they awoke from sleep that their day would be like this.

Washington Redskins Safety, Sean Taylor was killed in his own home. Victim of what Miami-Dade police said, "was a botched burglary." When the details were released, and the police stated that this home was broken into and a knife was left on his bed 8 days prior to the November 26th shooting, but they did not think the two incidents were related. I thought they were undeniable idiots. I don't understand how someone could say that this was a random burglary...that coincidentally happened 8 days ago, too.

I don't claim to be the smartest person. But, here is where my New Yorker sense kicks in. Someone breaks into my house, rummages through my things, maybe takes some things, but, leaves a knife on my bed. I personally take offense to that. A knife on my bed, in my mind, is a threat on my life. Which I speculate, was the way that Mr. Taylor took it given the fact that he kept a machete next to the bed. Miami-Dade police took it as nothing. Okay, they probably had better things to do that day, who knows.

Hindsight is twenty-twenty, but I strongly believe that it should have been taken more seriously. Secondly, I think Miami-Dade police should stop publicly making themselves look stupid. For the police to have to be told by the accused that yes, they were the same people that were there 8 days earlier is appalling. I, and I assume many other people (even those without my special New Yorker senses) alike knew that tidbit from the beginning. I don't understand why that flew over their heads.

Finally, the biggest I don't understand of all. Why are the police keep saying, the shooting was unintentional. That's what the reports are, that's what the suspects say, they didn't know that anybody would be home, on and on. Why did any one have a gun? Why did anyone have a knife? You are carrying personal protection to do someone else harm? You break into a residence late Sunday night, early Monday morning? A lot of people I know, especially those who have a job, are most likely to be home on that day during that time. If not Sean Taylor any of the other residents of that home. This was not unintentional; for you to return to the scene of a crime to repeat the crime again, it is BOLD. This is the definition of you have some nerve. And now, they're scared.

Four suspects, who are babies as far as I am concerned, on suicide watch. I don't get it. Here I am being a New Yorker again, Brooklyn to be exact. Your ass was bold, thinking up this plan, driving across town, kicking in bedroom doors, and shooting a man. Where did all this boldness go? Why would suicide cross your mind? You scared now? Where was that fear when you were plotting to take something that did not belong to you? While you were thinking about getting ill gotten gains, did you think about a plan B? What would you do if something went wrong? There were four of them, somebody should have been able to talk somebody out of it or see the potential flaw in the plan, come up with a better one, explore another option. I have no sympathy for them. I don't understand why anyone would.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Mission Impossible.....Or so it seems

Don't get used to this. I'm telling you now, I don't write everyday. I plan to keep writing often but right now I haven't been to work in two days so I have the time and I have a lot on my mind.

The mission that I have chosen to accept is to have a baby. I started on this mission or this mission started on me May 2006. I found out the hard way that I was pregnant. What is the hard way you ask? Getting dreadfully sick in public. My sister was hosting a happy hour at a local club and I went to show support. I didn't want to go because I was oh so tired, but I went anyway. I ate some food had a drink and a glass of champagne that I never finished. My head started to hurt, I was nauseous, I was throwing up. i called my boyfriend to tell him he had to get me. Security has me sitting on the side threatening to call the ambulance on my drunk ass. In between throwing up in the trash can I keep saying I'M NOT DRUNK! Of course now security is treating me like an angry drunk. My boyfriend comes a little while later and he too asks are you drunk? I ignore him, and my sister is going to walk with me out to the car. So we link arms and proceed down the steps where she starts to stumble down the steps and I have to catch her, so who's the drunk now?

When we get home, I go to sleep wake up and think I may be pregnant. I'm a...let me rephrase, I was a party girl. I can handle my alcohol. Two drinks and half a flute of champagne is nothing to me, and I ate food!! And even though I did see my Aunt Flo the week before, things were kinda shaky in my relationship and if I could choose, I would have chosen to not be pregnant at that moment. But since I know my luck or lack there of I took a pregnancy test and of course it was positive.

I told them I wasn't drunk. My baby just didn't like alcohol. Turns out he didn't like water, milk, soda, rice, spaghetti, potatoes, beef, chicken, or food for that matter. He liked ice though. Crushed ice to be exact. The difference between that and water, I plan to ask him one day. But in any case five months later I lost him. It was tough very hard to deal with cause he was number three lost and the longest that I carried one so everyone was waiting for his arrival.

Since that point, I waited for a while and decided that I wanted to try again. Now this was a big deal for me cause I have always gotten pregnant. I had never tried to as in sit down let me talk to you I want to have a baby do you want to have one with me too? So that's what we did and I guess we jinxed it cause here I am many many months later, not pregnant.

I found a Maternal/Fetal specialist a doctor that specializes in fetus and mother. When I was last pregnant I was either in the doctor's office or emergency room every three days. Funny how when your pregnant they will treat your unborn child but not the mother to be. I'm not a doctor. I'm an accountant/politician by trade, but in my mind, if mom-to-be is not healthy it's only a matter of time before baby-to-be becomes just as sickly as mommy. I proved that crazy theory to them but of course it was their lesson, my expense.

Anyway, back to preparation. Oh, I just had unprotected sex. You know the kind that everyone tells you will either get you knocked-up or an STD. Well, I got neither. While i am happy about not getting an STD, I figured I should be pregnant by now. If not from all of the gratuitous sex with my partner, at least from the countless people that have had an up close and personal look at my crotch. You would be surprised how many people can examine you to try to figure out why you are not getting pregnant. they ask all your personal business as my niece says, your partner's personal business, your family's personal business, then you lie down and they look in your personal business. After that you are sent home to try. If you don't succeed? Try, try again. If you don't succeed? Back to your personal business this time they put a tube with dye up in your business and take x-rays and ask your man to put some of his business in a cup. Do you know how much it costs for some one to look at sperm? I do. Even trickier question. Do you know how much it costs for some one to look at sperm and wash it? Did you know that sperm could be washed? And I'm not talking about off your thigh.

So now I'm back to trying and it's frustrating. That's why I was crying yesterday cause my period came, again. Now, in addition to trying, I'm supposed to relax and not try so hard. But how do you not try so hard when in order to complete this mission you have to try. and you have to try during specific times of the month. Suppose you and your special someone aren't really seeing eye to eye during this specific time?

All this to say.........I've had so much sex this year everyone who has read this should be pregnant.

Monday, December 3, 2007

The 1st one

The first time is always the one you remember. Now while may of you may be "old pros" at blogging, I'm a newbie. But, I am a writer at heart, so I'm going to jump write in.

Most that you will read about here, will be about life. LIFE AMAZES ME!! My life, with all it's drama and "i can't believe this shit" amazement; the world we live in, my Washington, DC surroundings, my Brooklyn home, the nightly news, all that amazes me.

Today, as I sit a home, I am under the weather but I decided to finally take a step towards what I love doing. I have been telling quite a few people that I want to write a book. I always joke about it, I even have the title to at least two. But, I have yet to write a page. So to get myself back into a habit that I have enjoyed since a child I am starting here. This is my 1st attempt.

I am inspired today by someone else's life. The life of Sean Taylor. For those who don't know, he passed last week, he was a Safety for the Washington Redskins #21. While I did not know him personally, he was my favorite player. Favorite above Lavar Arrington before he left the Redskins. I am inspired by him today for the same reasons that he was my favorite player, he was great at his job. He loved what he did, and he did it with a passion. How fortunate is someone who is blessed to do what they love to do and get paid for it. While I sit here I am saddened by his death and another personal life issue of mine that I will talk about later, I found my self talking to my mom saying that I never get what I want, hope for or pray for. I want to find a job that I truly love, like my job but don't love it. I realized that I may not reach out hard enough for it at time. What does that have to do with Sean Taylor? I loved the way that man hit! I loved to watch him on the field. He was a go-getter. I need to get mine. I need to write. My first NFL player that I actually said out loud to people he's my favorite *gush* *gush* like a little schoolgirl. Sad how I am more inspired to action in his death than I was while in admiration of him in his life.

While I finish this first blog, I am feeling much more content. I am no longer crying about the disappointments that I have faced recently. I feel better because I am writing again. Not writing a paper for school, or work, or some body's resume, I am writing for the love of it; and , it's not my first time.