Monday, December 3, 2007

The 1st one

The first time is always the one you remember. Now while may of you may be "old pros" at blogging, I'm a newbie. But, I am a writer at heart, so I'm going to jump write in.

Most that you will read about here, will be about life. LIFE AMAZES ME!! My life, with all it's drama and "i can't believe this shit" amazement; the world we live in, my Washington, DC surroundings, my Brooklyn home, the nightly news, all that amazes me.

Today, as I sit a home, I am under the weather but I decided to finally take a step towards what I love doing. I have been telling quite a few people that I want to write a book. I always joke about it, I even have the title to at least two. But, I have yet to write a page. So to get myself back into a habit that I have enjoyed since a child I am starting here. This is my 1st attempt.

I am inspired today by someone else's life. The life of Sean Taylor. For those who don't know, he passed last week, he was a Safety for the Washington Redskins #21. While I did not know him personally, he was my favorite player. Favorite above Lavar Arrington before he left the Redskins. I am inspired by him today for the same reasons that he was my favorite player, he was great at his job. He loved what he did, and he did it with a passion. How fortunate is someone who is blessed to do what they love to do and get paid for it. While I sit here I am saddened by his death and another personal life issue of mine that I will talk about later, I found my self talking to my mom saying that I never get what I want, hope for or pray for. I want to find a job that I truly love, like my job but don't love it. I realized that I may not reach out hard enough for it at time. What does that have to do with Sean Taylor? I loved the way that man hit! I loved to watch him on the field. He was a go-getter. I need to get mine. I need to write. My first NFL player that I actually said out loud to people he's my favorite *gush* *gush* like a little schoolgirl. Sad how I am more inspired to action in his death than I was while in admiration of him in his life.

While I finish this first blog, I am feeling much more content. I am no longer crying about the disappointments that I have faced recently. I feel better because I am writing again. Not writing a paper for school, or work, or some body's resume, I am writing for the love of it; and , it's not my first time.

1 comment:

Ananda said...

beautiful post. peace and love, ananda